Thanks for reading :) Food runs with Mel


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


So Papparich has been on my list for a while because all i heard it was a better place then the overated mamak, and i never got to go because if i went to city i rather go eat something else. But finally they opened a Papparich in Parramatta ! Papparich opened i think it was last sunday, so the day i went Mamak and then the next day i went Papparich, so Malaysian food 2 days in a row.

situated infront of the tway station at parramatta next too nandos 
 Papparich was where the Pho/Viet restaurant used too be, next too Nandos and near Maxbrenner. The place is so pretty and the interior is to die for. The black theme was quite nice throughout the store and it was actually something different, rather then a typical asian restaurant

Me and tims went during lunch so their were no lines and not much people, it was abit after lunch around 3pm. We were greeted upon arrival and got seated too our table, though we chose to move since we didnt want to sit infront of the door way and ended up getting a small table for 2, i didnt mind i was just ready to eat. They asked if it was our first time and showed us the process of how to order and gave us the menu. Their system is quite easy and in my opinion much better because all you have to do is write down what you want on their order sheet and just ring the bell when you are done. It is much more easy for then talking to them on what i want and they end up making a mistake. 

Order sheet and bell 
We were also received water straight, it was served in a weird brown jug. It looked like a bottle of poison too me. Not a very pretty jug for water, you can see it in the picture above (kinda). Also reminded me of a medicine bottle. Oh wells. 
The menu is very big and has a lot of variety of food compared to Mamak which only has probably a page This menu went on forever with nice pictures to show what is what. I like menus with pictures so i know what it looks like. Their was a lot to choose from but we went with the simple Malaysian food.
We also ordered drinks and their drink menu was also big, i wanted so many different drinks. I was close to getting a coffee milk tea with herbal jelly because i was hopping it would be nice like mamak white coffee tea. But then i saw a lime and lychee crush with icecream and ofcourse i had to get that !!
1/3 of the drink menu
When we rang the bell they came straight away and also advised us the roti will take 15 mins which was fine by us, it was nice they told us that !
Our drinks came our first, tims got the Kopi Coffee, in the picture above and like i said i got the lychee and lime crush with icecream.
The Kopi coffee was very strong for me so i didnt like it ofcourse but tims loves coffee so he liked it. My drink was sooooo good, it was like a fruity version of a spider drink ! The icecream wasnt some homebrand icecream it was actually creamy and nice and made the drink so good, it was literally like a fruity slushi with icecream, so nice and refreshing ! I recommend everyone to get it when they go, from memory i think it was 7$. OMG while writing this i finally know what it taste like ! THE SPLICE ICECREAM BUT DRINK VERSION, if yiu dont know what a splice is good it ! OMG thats what it tasted like !!!! OMG ok ill stop but yeah sooo good 
only picture i have of the drink lol 
My drink came out with our first dish, i chose this dish before we even went Papparich because before i go anywhere i look at the menu of what i want. The dish above was Chili pan mee, which sounded so good but when i got it, it did not look like minced chicken ! it was suppose to be minced chicken with anchovies, mushrooms, egg and chili paste. Thought when i got it the meat tasted like tuna not minced chicken, though it was a alright dish. No where near chilli ! not even chili and the paste was a bit plane with the dish so it was like a healthy noodle bowl. I liked the concept of the half boiled egg and paste and mushrooms. Though the taste wasnt what i imagined, was very plain in my opinion. 
Next dish was my fav and if you dont get it FUCK YOUR LIFE (Jokes you will regret it). It is Papparich chicken rice with steamed chicken.  THE CHICKEN WAS PROBABLY THE BEST CHICKEN I EVER HAD. Not even joking right now. It was so soft and tender ! literally like it was going to melt in your mouth. This dish may sound simple but it was the best and simple is better. Even though the chicken wasnt placed nicely and messy, you can tell that the chicken was so soft that it couldnt stay together, it was in a simple oil sauce broth or whatever which made it nice and moist ! It also came witha dark sticky soy sauce which i didnt even need because the chicken was so nice. I could eat the chicken alone and eat 5  of it. The rice was suppose to have chicken flavor but i didnt notice, probably because the chicken was so nice and overpowering. A soup was also given on the side, which just tasted like msg and a normal viet side soup nothing special. So if you do go to Papparich please get this dish, if you dont want rice you can get it with noodles or congee etc !! THANK ME LATER WHEN YOU TRY THIS DISH :) 

Our next  dish was the satay skewers 
We got the skewers first and first look i knew it looked dry. When i finally had a bite i was right, the chicken skewers were dry and the lemon grass and turmeric was not nice on it and not marinated well.. It was not as good as the Mamak one !! the Mamak one was 100000x better and i think it was also 90c cheaper hahaha. The satay sauce was actually nice and simple tasted like the Mamak one, so it was good on the dish but still the skewers itself as a disappointment.
Our last dish was the Roti Canai with curry cihicken. The roti itself was ok, not as nice as i thought it would be, i honestly liked the Mamak roti better because it was much lighter then Papparich one. The roti had a nice sweet taste but it was a bit too thick. Just like Mamak they had a chilli curry type of sauce and a normal one, i obviously liked the chilli one more  and the normal one was plain. The curry was also average tasted normal,  nothing special about it.  I thought this dish was average and wasnt as good as Mamak just because the roti itself let the whole dish down. 

Overall i recommend people to try it as it is kinda local, closer to the city. I will be coming back to try other stuff and ofcourse have my dose of that godly chicken ! 
The staff are young and still not fully trained so nothing to complain about since they opened. The food didnt take long to come out as new restaurant usually take long but this was good waiting time. Not sure how it is at night time though. 
Paparich is more expensive then Mamak as we ordered more at mamak including the dessert and it only costed 63 and at Papprich we ordered less and costed 67 without dessert !

Hope you enjoy if you and tell me what dish is your fav xoxo 

Melissa kong :)xx

Service -
   Food -✮✮✮½☆   Price - ✮✮✮  

Shop 2185A – Zone G, Westfield Parramatta, 159-175 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
(02) 9633 3387
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Another quick dessert review
N2 extreme gelato seems to be trending nowadays and getting more and more popular maybe its because of their new flavours that they are coming up with. New and wild flavors such as Kimchi & rice and Pandan creme brulee !
I have been too n2 probably 5 times in my life because the new flavors everyweek makes me want to come back and try it before it disappears and they change the menu. I believe they change the menu every friday, and if you are lucky the popular flavors or known as N2 black stay for a week longer.
Im no science person so i assume the concept of n2 is just liquid nitrogen into gelato.... and yeah ... idk how thiis weeks but by the looks of it yep thats all it takes LOL.
I first went to n2 at the end of 2012, and tried mango off people since i wanted to try it before i went back again and it was nice and simple just a normal mango gelato like messina. Though i never went back too n2 till recently this year because i was so surprised they had creme brulee ( i am a big creme brulee fan ^_^). So i went to get the cremebrulee flavor and it was A-mazing !! LOVED IT, fav flav ever of gelato and n2 !

It taste exactly like a creme brulee but a gelato version so it was nice and creamy and the vanilla taste was absolutely amazing ! though the down turn was that when they blow torch the sugar ontop the gelato inside kinda melts too, so yu gotta try and eat it quickly, but not too quickly!So hands down best n2 flavor, im hoping they come back with it soon !!
On that day tims got i think salted caramel banana split or something along that lines, i really dont remember because my creme brulee one was way too good. i didnt even try his one because mine was great and i was enjoying it all too myself. n2 is known for decorating their icecreams with novelty syringes filled with a chocolate, vanilla, caramel etc... sauce. So i thought that was fancy and cute.
So the week after N2 Came out with Pandan creme brulee and i went running too n2 for it ! LITERALLY it was 10:50pm and i was at darling harbour Hurricanes ( will do a blog post one day about hurricanes) and i literally ran for my life to n2 because they close at 11. AND ofcourse i made it :) and there was also a line. N2 usually has a line to ordered which takes quick, though waiting for it may take a while depending on what flavor you get and what not. So i got Pandan creme brulee and i must say it wasnt as nice as i thought it would be, the pandan flavour wasnt as strong and was a tad too sweet. I have no photo because it was kinda sprinkling and i just wanted to eat it straight away... pretty much loooks like the cremebrulee one but green. So i was disappointed with this n2 flavour :(
I think around 2-3 weeks ago i went n2 on a friday night and wasnt really bothered to get n2 but we shared a deconstructed Mocha n2 and it was really nice ! the gelato itself was nice though i hated the chocolate chip pieces in it. I cant stand hard chocolate in icecream it just ruins it and ruins the taste. The choc chips were so bad, it tasted like bland chocolate. And ruined the n2 flavour ! they should of just kept it simple ! though i liked this mocha flavor surprisingly since i dont even like coffee nor mocha cause i also think mocha is too strong. Sorry no picture because i was sharing with a friend. 
Then finally on Sunday i went n2 again because i was so desperate to try the deconstructed  Matcha green tea ! So i went i was so bloody excited !
The picture below looks so good !!!

First bite was AMAZING, the green tea gelato was soooooo nice omg just like the star bucks frappe but ice cream form !Then i went to dig in more and too my disappointment their was FUCKEN WHITE CHOC CHIPS :@@ omg ruined the whole icecream :'( i was so sad and disappointed, i was walking to the car so sad trying to spit out all the white choc chips. They were so hard and ruined the taste of the match icecream. this would of been perfect if they didnt have the white choc chips. In the syringe was white chocolate sauce or ganach or whatever. It was nice but it didnt suit the icecream in my opinion. i honestly liked it just simple gelato with the whip cream ontop.
I honestly think n2 is a smart way of making gelato for people to keep them coming back for more with their crazy ideas !
Will ofcourse be coming back if they make more interesting flavours ! keep updated on their ig page or fb for the flavors every week ! @n2extremegelato 

Xoxox Melissa :)

Service -✮✮✮✮☆ 
 Food -✮✮✮☆ ☆ (depending on the flavor)\
 Price - ✮✮✮✮☆ (around 6-8$ each)
Shop 43, 1 Dixon Street, Sydney NSW 2000

ps. - i will write my review about papparich soon ! trying not too blog too much because i ceebs and i just wanna eat and write for my own enjoyment ! I am going mini hotpot tonight ! will blog about it also :))) 

my lord their were more choc chips then that i spat half of it outside, these i couldnt spit inside the car 

funky equipment ideas 

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Mamak - Chinatown/Haymarket

Like i said previously i  went Mamak at the city last night. We arrived at the Mamak approx 6pm and there was a queue already, me and tims were short on time as we had to go airport to pick up his siblings so  we decided to wait for max 30 mins. The line wasnt moving at the beginning because big groups were infront of us, though couples in front of us were going in quickly. It was finally our turn and we got in at around 630ish so it was around a 30 min wait, not too long i guess.
Where i was standing in the queue 

 When we got seated i walked past around 3-4 empty tables it seemed like they make a line outside of Mamak for marketing reasons or what not because the table next too us was vacant for quite a while.
We ordered drinks first, i ordered the Ice Milk Tea (4$) and Tims ordered the White ice coffee ($4), we got our drinks within 5 mins and my milk tea was nice and simple, tasted like a thai milk tea, it was a refreshing drink for 4$. Tims drink was surprisingly nice, i'm not a coffee person but this coffee drink wasnt too strong, i assumed they used coffee powder because it tasted like it, the coffee drink tasted like the Asian coffee lollies, so it wasnt strong and i could actually drink it.

We started waiting for our food at 6:40 and our first dish came our within 7 mins because i was watching the time too see how long it would take for our first dish. Our first dish was a Savoury Roti (Roti telur bawang $7), It was a roti with egg and onion.
The roti came with 4 pieces a spicy dipping sauce, as well as a a not so spicy dipping sauce as well as what it seems to be a salsa on the side. The roti pastry was nice and soft i really love the texture of the hand made roti's it was really nice tough the onions in the roti was not cooked, i thought they would of been caramelized but they werent and they were very raw and undercooked which wasnt a pleasant taste what so ever.  The bigger sauce on the plate was the spicy curry dipping sauce which was my favorite sauce it had the right amount of spice that you could also taste the curry, as the spiciness wasnt over powering. It kinda tasted like butter chicken. The smaller sauce was just a normal curry sauce kinda sweet, like a potato sweetness, it was kinda boring in my opinion, probably why it was on the smaller side. I didnt get to taste the little portion of sauce on the side of the plate but i assume it was just some sort of salsa. 
Next that came was the Nasi Lemak (9$) and i also ordered chicken curry on the side for extra (3$).
This looked like a basic healthy dish so it sounded really nice, and it was really nice for a dish that was 12$, though the thing that disappointed me was the curry only had 2 chicken pieces thats it... probably thats why it was 3$ extra, i thought they would be a bit generous and put a bit more but i guess thats what 3$ gets you. I didnt like how the Peanuts still had the skin on the outside, it didnt look nice too eat because why would you want peanut skin when eating peanuts so i didnt touch the peanuts (was ceebs to take skin off - probably some kind of way to decorate the dish by leaving the skin on, unless im the only one that dosent like it with the skin on). The sauce on the side was a Sambal which was a nice spicy sauce to eat with the rice and i used it to dip the chicken , i thought the sauce portion was quite generous for the dish. The anchovies were just normal crunchy anchovies that you could get in the packet at asian groceries, i liked it with my dish. The egg was hard boiled egg, you could tell that it was almost overcooked because of the grey outlining of the egg. I think the egg would of been nicer if the yolk was still runny but thats just how i like my egg. The curry like i said earlier only had 2 pieced of chicken not much sauce, though it was really nice eatting the curry with the coconut rice! The coconut rice seemed to enhance more by eating the curry chicken with the rice! The chicken was nice and tender and fell off the bone so it wasnt dry what so ever. Good dish it basically just 9$ for everything except the curry, but it would be plain if you were to get that dish without curry.... but go ahead and do what you want :) 
Next dish we had was The Satay skewers which were my favourite dish of the whole night ! 

We ordered 6 Satay skewers for $9 ! i thought it was pretty cheap. The chicken was nice and soft, so tender i really loved how they marinated it, tasted like curry powder. The satay sauce was amazeballz !!! loved the sauce with the chicken, it wasnt too salty nor too sweet  just perfect! i recommend everyone to try the satay skewers.
Our last main dish was Ayam berempah $16 Bite-size chicken pieces stir-fried with whole spices.
Dosent that chicken look good 
Well ofcourse tims chose this one because he loves fried chicken, I only had one piece because i was full by the time this came out and i was saving my self to eat 2 dessert hehe.
The chicken skin was nice and cispy and you could taste the cinnamon straight away (im not a cinnamon person but i didnt mind it ) the chicken was also soft that when you put your fork through it fell of the bone. Tims loved this chicken ! he ate all of it, as i only ate one ! though from the menu i assumed it was little portions of chicken not this big, so it was quite deceiving ( unless this is what you call bite size ? )
Garnished ontop with a whole cinnamon piece, staranise ( is that what is called/spelt?), corriander and chilli. 
While tims was finishing off all the chicken we got our sweet roti tisu dessert, which is one of the most popular dessert at Mamak.

It was a large thin cone shaped roti with layer and layers ! with a serve of icecream on the side. I really loved this simple dessert as it was only 10$ ! the layers around felt like it went on forever ! it was nice and crispy with a sugar coating taste, and the icecream was nice with the roti. !
you can tell how paper thin this is !
Overall this is a nice restaurant small menu and simple and yummy food. Worth the wait if you go for the first time ever ! but not worth the wait if you always go.

xoxo Melissa kong :)

Service -  Food -✮✮✮½☆ 
☆ (3½)  Price - ✮✮✮ 
China town -  15 Goulburn Street, Haymarket, Sydney

PS.I went Papparich today at parramatta westfields new store opened there ! i cant wait to blog about it and compare the 2 Malaysian stores ! when i am bothered. but please do go even before i blog about it ! its so pretty :) 
Next blog review - N2 and Papparich 

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Brewtown Newtown

OLLA AMIGOS, long time no blog ... Its because i havent been home on my laptop/Mac and i dont know the password too my blog and its automatically signed on my comps. I have been baby sitting a house a dog for over a week so i havent been blogging ! BUT i have been going out too eat a lot, and ticked a shit load of more places on my bucket list !
So i think it was last Saturday i went too Brewtown Newtown with Mylinh and Leviang. Just another cafe in Newtown, typical looking cafe - aka Hipster 2014 trend cafe.

We arrived around 2:50 because we went BlackStar pastry first (quick review - had it 1-2 years ago, The watermelon cake is overrated). It was around a 20 min wait for us and by the time we went in the kitchen was gonna close in 30 mins ... so luckily we got seated in time and quickly ordered our food, the workers are nice and friendly with great service. Upon arrival we got seated on a small table since there was none available for 3 so it was a bit squishy, but cant complain as at least we got a seat. We got served sparkling water straight away, i hate sparkling water ... soooooooooo i didnt like it. I ordered a lemonade first, it was really nice and refreshing and but better then the lemonade at the GROUNDS. You could actually taste the lemonade and that it was freshly made. For my meal i ordered a Squid Ink Linguine with garlic prawns (18.50$). It didnt take long for our meal to arrived i think from memory we waited 15 mins  or a bit more, not sure, but it was standard waiting time.
We got our meals, as Leviang ordered a Poached chicken Baguette which was only 10$ and it was massive and Mylinh ordered Crispy Fried Blue eye cod with Spinach and chips which was 17$ also i think.
My linguine was really nice ! I am not a saucy pasta person so i loved how this was just plain and had just the right amount of flavor and not too much. The Squid ink Linguine was cooked well and was not rubbery and over cooked as well as the prawns were nice and fresh. Everything on the plate was cooked perfectly well and i had no problems with it. It was also my first time trying squid ink pasta so i was very pleased with my first experience.
Leviang said she really enjoyed her baguette for 10$ and mylinh liked her fish but i tried her chips and they were not nice at all, im not a chunky chips person so i obviously didnt like the texture and the way it was cooked, so probably only negative critique.  I then went too order some take away cronuts ( which i didnt end up eating because the dogs ate it at home -.-). I got a glazed cronut and cinnamon, i had a bite of the cronut in the car, and it just tasted average not much was put into the cronut as it looked like they just rushed making it, nothing beats Adriano !
glazed cronut (4.50$)
Overall i really liked this small cafe in Newtown though i don't think i would come back unless i am in the area as it isnt worth the travel up too newtown, though i do wanna come back to actually try the cronuts, as a lot of people love it and there are other flavors such as chocolate !!
Everyone should try Brewtown, make sure you go early if you go on a weekend as you could be waiting a while for a seat depending on how many people you are going with.

xoxo Melissa

Ps. Over the few days i have been too Thai rock, Temsaek, Grano, Ristretto and Co and tonight i am going Mamak ! I wont be blogging about these place as i didnt get to take a picture unfortunately i just dig into my food. ! but i will be going back to the place above to actually try more stuff and i will blog about it then (except temsaek ! i will not be returning - overpriced and food wasnt great !)

Service -  Food -✮✮✮☆   Price - ✮✮✮


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Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Quick dessert review 
After The soda factory, we went too stix which was also in surry hills, a 5 min drive down ! it was closing at 930 apparently so we quickly went and got there at 9:10. It was smaller then i expected wit probably only 5 seats for people. There is a few different gelato's the green tea and lemon lime was very eye catching. We were able to get some samples so i tried greentea, it was okay and then i tried lemon lime and it was nice the sample. You choose the gelato then there is like 3 dipping sauces you choose ( milk, dark or white) I choose milk and was gonna get no toppings because there isnt much variety probably only 5 different toppings such as - Oreo, coconut, honey comb, milo ...
Though she recommended me to get coconut shreds so i got it. After a few bites of my lemon lime it go sickning and way too much, it was a very heavy iceypole sort of thing. Tims got the pink grapefruit and it was really nice :) but he also needed water to wash it down after wards.
Stix is 4.50, so decent price but i dont think its worth the hype, and it isnt that great. I think ill stick too messina.

It is a unique place, worth a try if you are in the area !

Melissa kong xx :)

Service -✮   Food -✮✮☆   Price - ✮✮✮

  • 620 Crown St
  • Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia 2010

You can see this is a small place with only a few seats !

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The Soda Factory

I have finally ticked something off my food bucket list - The soda Factory. Me and tims have been meaning to go since forever but ever since worked (before) we work on tuesdays and we never got the chance to go. Why tuesday ? because on tuesday it is DOLLAR gourmet hotdogs :) there is also dollar bufflo wings on weds but, the hot dogs were more of our must !
So Me, tims and Mylinh (+ tims group) went to Soda factory first, we saw the place but it wasnt called soda factory but i was sure it was it !  So it may not look like its the Soda factory but it is, it was called bobbys Boss dogs at the front.

So this place is a bar so only people who are 18+ can go in, before entering they check your id then you open 2 days and go into the bar ... MY LORD, place is smalll and cramped very packed, there was so much people that it was 10 degrees outside and inside was like 40 degrees i was literally sweating, it was  a small place for people to chill but there was way too many people at the same time, bar and ordering station is in the middle and there were no seats what so ever, we decided to just order and look for seats later, so since the hot dog menu was all a DOLLAR, me and tims got one of everything except the vegetarian one. Here is the menu below
As you can see you need to order a drink before you get these hotdogs so tims got a lemon lime bitter and i got an apple cider, it was so delicious :)))
after ordering ( which took forever too order) we went around looking for seats, mind you there is like 10 seat sections only and 100083849 people in this bar, we even all stood at different locations, to hover around people if we thought they were finished or what not ! it literally took us an hour ! to get a seat and it was just a bar bench and we couldnt fit 8 people around this bar bench, also sharing this bar bench with 2 other couples who looked frustrated !!! at us sitting next to them and also for waiting 5 years for there food. Me and Mylinh went too the toilets and the toilets werent labelled Female and Male but with pictures of a lady and man lucky i looked at the picture before going to the toilet, i would of walked into the males restroom. toilet was pretty shabby and nice i didnt have my phone on me to take a photo of the nice swag/hipster toilet ahaha. 
We went back to our seats and waited probably another 30 mins until we slowly started getting our food, like wow 1.5 hour wait for DOLLAR hot dogs ... wouldnt eveything be made already and just need too put it together, and since this place everyone was everywhere.... it probably took the waiter 15 mins too look for people because it was like a mini club looking for people to give there food. 
Mylinh ordered with us and she got her food first... and i was like what we ordered together and she got hers first, why didnt they just give it together. By the time mylinh finished her hotdog within 15 mins, our one finally came... why didnt they just come altgoether. 
Well by then i wasnt really hungry but i really wanted to try it.

Bobbys Bogan dog
 This Bobbys bogan dog was probably my Favourite gourmet hotdog ! The peas were sorta sweet and it was a nice touch to the hotdog, i love mustard with my hotdog so it was a nice touch aswell, though i did not really taste any cheese in the hot dog.
The Don drapper
The don draper
 The Don draper was an ordinary hot dog... nothing fancy or special. As you can see by this picture that the sausage they give is small compared to the massive bread. I ended up chucking the ends of all my bread because there was no point in eating it without the sausage. but for one dollar you cant complain, idm if they even cut down on the bread in half and have the sausage stick out more

Texas redneck 
next was the Texas Redneck it was my least favourite hotdog - mylinh said it looked best but it was the worst,. The sausage was fried/ battered so i didnt like it what so ever .and the bbq sauce wasnt a pleasant taste
The Buffalo Bill
The Bufflo bill was my second favourite, very messy too eat but the sauce was actually nice and spic, it was like a actual chilli cheese dog because most chilli cheese dogs arent spicy its just for the name, but this does justice had a nice spice too it. Though imo there was too much bbq sauce which i didnt like with the hotdog taste smokey. 
The Frank Sinatara

Next was my last one, The frank Sinatara, i left this too lastt and i didnt feel like eating any more hotdogs so i ate the onion ring on its own it was nice ahah. i didnt really get to try the hotdog properly. it just taste like a normal hot dog. just like the don draper, so not much difference between the 2 ~

 Overall the hot dogs were pretty good for 1$ ! you can complain, though the wait is pretty ridiculous. So i suggest people going at 5pm when it opens straight away to get a seat. Just a reminder this is a bar they have a variety of cool cocktails ! and standard beverages. They also have a bigger menu of more americanised food ! So check out there website.

*****Some of the people at the place are bloody rude, my friend told me they she heard one of them say.. why are there so many foreigners...
Seriously if i heard that ... i actually be like excuse me...
Some people are so racist and rude **** RANT OVER.
Took quite a lot of pictures of the place below !

Melissa KONG :) xx
- Stix post will be in another post above !

Service -✮☆☆   Food -✮✮✮☆   Price - ✮✮✮

16 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills NSW 2010
(02) 8096 9120
you can tell how packed it is from this picture 

from across the road, looks like a night club

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