Thanks for reading :) Food runs with Mel : Mamak - Chinatown/Haymarket


Monday, July 14, 2014

Mamak - Chinatown/Haymarket

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Like i said previously i  went Mamak at the city last night. We arrived at the Mamak approx 6pm and there was a queue already, me and tims were short on time as we had to go airport to pick up his siblings so  we decided to wait for max 30 mins. The line wasnt moving at the beginning because big groups were infront of us, though couples in front of us were going in quickly. It was finally our turn and we got in at around 630ish so it was around a 30 min wait, not too long i guess.
Where i was standing in the queue 

 When we got seated i walked past around 3-4 empty tables it seemed like they make a line outside of Mamak for marketing reasons or what not because the table next too us was vacant for quite a while.
We ordered drinks first, i ordered the Ice Milk Tea (4$) and Tims ordered the White ice coffee ($4), we got our drinks within 5 mins and my milk tea was nice and simple, tasted like a thai milk tea, it was a refreshing drink for 4$. Tims drink was surprisingly nice, i'm not a coffee person but this coffee drink wasnt too strong, i assumed they used coffee powder because it tasted like it, the coffee drink tasted like the Asian coffee lollies, so it wasnt strong and i could actually drink it.

We started waiting for our food at 6:40 and our first dish came our within 7 mins because i was watching the time too see how long it would take for our first dish. Our first dish was a Savoury Roti (Roti telur bawang $7), It was a roti with egg and onion.
The roti came with 4 pieces a spicy dipping sauce, as well as a a not so spicy dipping sauce as well as what it seems to be a salsa on the side. The roti pastry was nice and soft i really love the texture of the hand made roti's it was really nice tough the onions in the roti was not cooked, i thought they would of been caramelized but they werent and they were very raw and undercooked which wasnt a pleasant taste what so ever.  The bigger sauce on the plate was the spicy curry dipping sauce which was my favorite sauce it had the right amount of spice that you could also taste the curry, as the spiciness wasnt over powering. It kinda tasted like butter chicken. The smaller sauce was just a normal curry sauce kinda sweet, like a potato sweetness, it was kinda boring in my opinion, probably why it was on the smaller side. I didnt get to taste the little portion of sauce on the side of the plate but i assume it was just some sort of salsa. 
Next that came was the Nasi Lemak (9$) and i also ordered chicken curry on the side for extra (3$).
This looked like a basic healthy dish so it sounded really nice, and it was really nice for a dish that was 12$, though the thing that disappointed me was the curry only had 2 chicken pieces thats it... probably thats why it was 3$ extra, i thought they would be a bit generous and put a bit more but i guess thats what 3$ gets you. I didnt like how the Peanuts still had the skin on the outside, it didnt look nice too eat because why would you want peanut skin when eating peanuts so i didnt touch the peanuts (was ceebs to take skin off - probably some kind of way to decorate the dish by leaving the skin on, unless im the only one that dosent like it with the skin on). The sauce on the side was a Sambal which was a nice spicy sauce to eat with the rice and i used it to dip the chicken , i thought the sauce portion was quite generous for the dish. The anchovies were just normal crunchy anchovies that you could get in the packet at asian groceries, i liked it with my dish. The egg was hard boiled egg, you could tell that it was almost overcooked because of the grey outlining of the egg. I think the egg would of been nicer if the yolk was still runny but thats just how i like my egg. The curry like i said earlier only had 2 pieced of chicken not much sauce, though it was really nice eatting the curry with the coconut rice! The coconut rice seemed to enhance more by eating the curry chicken with the rice! The chicken was nice and tender and fell off the bone so it wasnt dry what so ever. Good dish it basically just 9$ for everything except the curry, but it would be plain if you were to get that dish without curry.... but go ahead and do what you want :) 
Next dish we had was The Satay skewers which were my favourite dish of the whole night ! 

We ordered 6 Satay skewers for $9 ! i thought it was pretty cheap. The chicken was nice and soft, so tender i really loved how they marinated it, tasted like curry powder. The satay sauce was amazeballz !!! loved the sauce with the chicken, it wasnt too salty nor too sweet  just perfect! i recommend everyone to try the satay skewers.
Our last main dish was Ayam berempah $16 Bite-size chicken pieces stir-fried with whole spices.
Dosent that chicken look good 
Well ofcourse tims chose this one because he loves fried chicken, I only had one piece because i was full by the time this came out and i was saving my self to eat 2 dessert hehe.
The chicken skin was nice and cispy and you could taste the cinnamon straight away (im not a cinnamon person but i didnt mind it ) the chicken was also soft that when you put your fork through it fell of the bone. Tims loved this chicken ! he ate all of it, as i only ate one ! though from the menu i assumed it was little portions of chicken not this big, so it was quite deceiving ( unless this is what you call bite size ? )
Garnished ontop with a whole cinnamon piece, staranise ( is that what is called/spelt?), corriander and chilli. 
While tims was finishing off all the chicken we got our sweet roti tisu dessert, which is one of the most popular dessert at Mamak.

It was a large thin cone shaped roti with layer and layers ! with a serve of icecream on the side. I really loved this simple dessert as it was only 10$ ! the layers around felt like it went on forever ! it was nice and crispy with a sugar coating taste, and the icecream was nice with the roti. !
you can tell how paper thin this is !
Overall this is a nice restaurant small menu and simple and yummy food. Worth the wait if you go for the first time ever ! but not worth the wait if you always go.

xoxo Melissa kong :)

Service -  Food -✮✮✮½☆ 
☆ (3½)  Price - ✮✮✮ 
China town -  15 Goulburn Street, Haymarket, Sydney

PS.I went Papparich today at parramatta westfields new store opened there ! i cant wait to blog about it and compare the 2 Malaysian stores ! when i am bothered. but please do go even before i blog about it ! its so pretty :) 
Next blog review - N2 and Papparich 

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