Thanks for reading :) Food runs with Mel : The Soda Factory


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Soda Factory

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I have finally ticked something off my food bucket list - The soda Factory. Me and tims have been meaning to go since forever but ever since worked (before) we work on tuesdays and we never got the chance to go. Why tuesday ? because on tuesday it is DOLLAR gourmet hotdogs :) there is also dollar bufflo wings on weds but, the hot dogs were more of our must !
So Me, tims and Mylinh (+ tims group) went to Soda factory first, we saw the place but it wasnt called soda factory but i was sure it was it !  So it may not look like its the Soda factory but it is, it was called bobbys Boss dogs at the front.

So this place is a bar so only people who are 18+ can go in, before entering they check your id then you open 2 days and go into the bar ... MY LORD, place is smalll and cramped very packed, there was so much people that it was 10 degrees outside and inside was like 40 degrees i was literally sweating, it was  a small place for people to chill but there was way too many people at the same time, bar and ordering station is in the middle and there were no seats what so ever, we decided to just order and look for seats later, so since the hot dog menu was all a DOLLAR, me and tims got one of everything except the vegetarian one. Here is the menu below
As you can see you need to order a drink before you get these hotdogs so tims got a lemon lime bitter and i got an apple cider, it was so delicious :)))
after ordering ( which took forever too order) we went around looking for seats, mind you there is like 10 seat sections only and 100083849 people in this bar, we even all stood at different locations, to hover around people if we thought they were finished or what not ! it literally took us an hour ! to get a seat and it was just a bar bench and we couldnt fit 8 people around this bar bench, also sharing this bar bench with 2 other couples who looked frustrated !!! at us sitting next to them and also for waiting 5 years for there food. Me and Mylinh went too the toilets and the toilets werent labelled Female and Male but with pictures of a lady and man lucky i looked at the picture before going to the toilet, i would of walked into the males restroom. toilet was pretty shabby and nice i didnt have my phone on me to take a photo of the nice swag/hipster toilet ahaha. 
We went back to our seats and waited probably another 30 mins until we slowly started getting our food, like wow 1.5 hour wait for DOLLAR hot dogs ... wouldnt eveything be made already and just need too put it together, and since this place everyone was everywhere.... it probably took the waiter 15 mins too look for people because it was like a mini club looking for people to give there food. 
Mylinh ordered with us and she got her food first... and i was like what we ordered together and she got hers first, why didnt they just give it together. By the time mylinh finished her hotdog within 15 mins, our one finally came... why didnt they just come altgoether. 
Well by then i wasnt really hungry but i really wanted to try it.

Bobbys Bogan dog
 This Bobbys bogan dog was probably my Favourite gourmet hotdog ! The peas were sorta sweet and it was a nice touch to the hotdog, i love mustard with my hotdog so it was a nice touch aswell, though i did not really taste any cheese in the hot dog.
The Don drapper
The don draper
 The Don draper was an ordinary hot dog... nothing fancy or special. As you can see by this picture that the sausage they give is small compared to the massive bread. I ended up chucking the ends of all my bread because there was no point in eating it without the sausage. but for one dollar you cant complain, idm if they even cut down on the bread in half and have the sausage stick out more

Texas redneck 
next was the Texas Redneck it was my least favourite hotdog - mylinh said it looked best but it was the worst,. The sausage was fried/ battered so i didnt like it what so ever .and the bbq sauce wasnt a pleasant taste
The Buffalo Bill
The Bufflo bill was my second favourite, very messy too eat but the sauce was actually nice and spic, it was like a actual chilli cheese dog because most chilli cheese dogs arent spicy its just for the name, but this does justice had a nice spice too it. Though imo there was too much bbq sauce which i didnt like with the hotdog taste smokey. 
The Frank Sinatara

Next was my last one, The frank Sinatara, i left this too lastt and i didnt feel like eating any more hotdogs so i ate the onion ring on its own it was nice ahah. i didnt really get to try the hotdog properly. it just taste like a normal hot dog. just like the don draper, so not much difference between the 2 ~

 Overall the hot dogs were pretty good for 1$ ! you can complain, though the wait is pretty ridiculous. So i suggest people going at 5pm when it opens straight away to get a seat. Just a reminder this is a bar they have a variety of cool cocktails ! and standard beverages. They also have a bigger menu of more americanised food ! So check out there website.

*****Some of the people at the place are bloody rude, my friend told me they she heard one of them say.. why are there so many foreigners...
Seriously if i heard that ... i actually be like excuse me...
Some people are so racist and rude **** RANT OVER.
Took quite a lot of pictures of the place below !

Melissa KONG :) xx
- Stix post will be in another post above !

Service -✮☆☆   Food -✮✮✮☆   Price - ✮✮✮

16 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills NSW 2010
(02) 8096 9120
you can tell how packed it is from this picture 

from across the road, looks like a night club

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